Saturday, July 23, 2016

Learning Pathways - What Makes Night and Day?

Everyone worked so hard on their learning pathways in term 2 (it was a shame our picnic under the stars couldn't go ahead) so here are a few snapshots of our wonderful learning.  We practiced many new skills like making comparisons, working collaboratively, planning ideas and creating models and posters to show what we learned.

Holly and Abby made a poem about what makes night and day.  They drafted it first then they used Microsoft Word to type up their poem and they also searched for a relevant picture that they cut and pasted onto their poem.

Estella, Finn B, Caleb and Ava made a video and a model to explain what makes night and day.  They planned their ideas first and decided as a group who was going to do each job.  They rehearsed it and recorded it on the iPad.

 Nieve, Layla, Olivia and Owen decided to share their learning through a powerpoint presentation.  They planned their ideas and they learned how to open and save a powerpoint document.  They also learned how to add a photo to their presentation.  They shared their powerpoint with the class.

Jackson, Lucas, Keira and Rebecca made posters to show their learning about what makes night and day.  They drafted their posters first and talked about what information their posters needed to have to make sure they were informative and eye catching.

 Isla, Brooklyn, Dan, Finn G and Liam made a model (diorama) to show their learning about what makes night and day.  Dan bought a box and some Lego people from home and together they painted a camping scene to show a night sky and a daytime sky.  They thought carefully about how to show the sun and moon and also about the size of the moon and sun too.

 Javier and Rudi made a poem and added a picture to share their learning about what makes night and day.  They drafted their poems first then typed them up on the computer.  They learned how to open and save a Word document and they also learned how to type and to copy and paste a picture into their document.

As part of our home learning for the last 3 weeks many of the children took on the challenge of making a rocket - here are some of our amazing creations!!  A lot of effort and creativity here!!

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